If you are a pregnant woman or you are breastfeeding your child, then in such a situation you should avoid consuming flaxseed
Because flaxseed acts like estrogen which can prove harmful for you in some way
Women who have problems with excessive blood or bleeding during their menstrual cycle should not consume flax seeds at that time
Minerals like fiber, manganese, thiamine and magnesium are found in good quantity in flaxseed, but flaxseed is very lean in quantity
Flaxseed contains live Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body, whether it is inflammation of the brain, heart or liver
reducing weight -If you also want to reduce your increasing weight then you should definitely do it with flax seeds.
The fiber and ALA fat present in flaxseed helps in reducing your obesity, to reduce weight you can consume flax seeds in the form of salad and soup.
If you do not yet know the correct way of eating flaxseed, you will always suffer its disadvantages, it takes only 5 minutes to get the correct information.